Wednesday, August 29, 2007

searches that led here

got this idea from josh griffin. simply a list of searches that led to this site. here we go.

1. turn yourself into a transformer
2. "bryant johnson"
3. "glue boys"
4. 30th anniversary lego starwars
5. create yourself as a simpsons character for myspace
6. funraiser pumpkins
7. how do you make your photos into a simpsons character?
8. lego star wars 20 anniversary
9. lost marbles design group
10. make urself into a transformer character
11. nice cake
12. outpouring 2006 first united methodist church melbourne
13. photos of new lego star wars 30 th aniversery
14. tony nolan
15. xbox 360 failure blog

cruise photos

check them out here. and here are a few of my favorites.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Reviewed: Demos from the Marketplace

here are a few demos on xbox live's marketplace that are worth checking out. there's no fluff in these, just what i thought and a "try it" or a "buy it."

beautiful katamari - for all audiences. easy and simple to pick up and play. full game might be difficult to master. push your katamari (a big ball) around and pick up stuff within a specified amount of time. the bigger it gets the better you've done. the camera was difficult to control and was at times looking the wrong direction. might be corrected by the release. depending on the price point, just try it.

bio shock -definitely geared for an adult audience. simply put amazing. graphics are great. storytelling drew me in quickly. a lot of first person shooters are just replicas of each other in a new setting. this game sets a new standard that others will have a hard time replicating. it goes above and beyond all others. easy to recommend. buy it. it will be in my hands as soon as i get done with forza 2.

call of duty 4 - coming soon. expecting my token for the beta today. we'll see.

medal of honor: airborne - good game. new concept. you are an airborne soldier you can drop in anywhere on the map when it begins. there are safe zones to aim for. the level starts where ever you land. really cool concept. the AI appears to be pretty smart. they move around. they hide. fight smart in the game. however, it is still set in wolrd war II. how many of these games can we possibly play? great idea and twist on the gameplay, but i think the demo will hold me over just fine. just try it.

skate - skate has been promising a new gameplay mechanic that makes this skateboarding game more realistic. the demo is good be learning the controls was not simple. i think the good thing about a game is the learning curve. for me a good game, you can jump into and enjoy as you learn. this one wasn't doing it for me. the sterring controls were really touchy. the kick controls slow to respond. however, i did like the way the ollies worked with the right thumbstick. it might take some getting used to. try it and if you like it buy it. it is refreshing to see against the tony hawk series.

stranglehold - again for adult audiences. this demo took me by surprise. no article or review had sold me on it and i almost passed on the demo. for some reason i downloaded it anyway. i was blown away. fully destructive and interactive environments. you can use just about anything on the screen in gameplay. there were some really cool "bullet time" gaming sequences. as you jump the action goes into slow-mo which makes for some really fun gameplay. if you haven't already, give this demo a shot. it will take you by suprise. then when it arrives on shelves, buy it.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Which Transformer Are You?

For centuries, two races of robotic aliens - the Autobots and the Decepticons - have waged a war, with the fate of the universe at stake. Now it ’s your turn to engage in this epic battle. Will you Protect or Destroy? Take the quiz and see how you do.

Digg It

Take the Transformers Quiz

outpouring '07 worship

the glorious unseen led us in worship and it was great. here's a couple of vids from the worship time. they truly led us into a deep state of worship. we were reminded that we were there to give of ourselves back to God. if you want to see more, chem them out here.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

book 4 complete: a journey through hogwarts

i began reading the harry potter series this summer. after some encouragement from friends and my wife, on june 25th of 2007 i began reading through the series. this week i completed book four, the goblet of fire.

for me, i have never been a big reader. i will read if i am interested but have never been into reading novels. it has always felt like work to me. these books have set me on a journey. i can't put the book down until it is done. it draws me. captures my attention. i feel as though i know and understand every piece of architecture and design. it is relaxing and easy to read. i don't find my mind wondering. and when i do put it down, i am planning for when i will have time to read again.

now, i am off to begin working on book 5...

the finale

outpouring finished in big ways. it truly was great! worship was great! involvement was amazing. God did some huge things in our lives. and jad brought us the message in a new, real, and relevant way. and jared hall - what!? what did he do? i am still trying to figure out some of the tricks. his slight of hand was so quick.

saturday we went to busch gardens. all day. sheikra. what more can be said?

then to follow that up with some of our student leaders on sunday, speaking and sharing about all of our summer events was amazing. it was a great experience and challenging to some. but each of them did an amazing job sharing and talking with the congregation.

this was a great end to a wonderful summer. you can find all of the outpouring pics here.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Earth From Space - Amazing Photos

Earth is the third planet from the Sun and is the largest of the terrestrial planets in the Solar System... Here is some amazing photos of Earth from Space...

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Friday, August 10, 2007

day 2 - outpouring

day 2 was great. how far are you willing to go to let God shape you to be the servant God calls us to be? jad did a great job along with the band, the glorious unseen. not to mention my acting debut in the "change your ways" video. i think i will use it for my audition tape.

and pictures are up. we will be taking more and adding more today and at the end of the week. keep checking back to see all the new shots.

my lovely wife, tonya...

and who is that on the back left?

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

day 1 - outpouring '07

today was great! registration ran smooth. certainly people continued to stroll in, but that's normal especially on the first day. and we were so glad to hear that more and more were coming. games and door prizes went off. i heard that the young lady who won the big prize tonight was stoked about it.

small group and games feedback was also good. sounds like the games went exceptionally well and that the groups all had good discussion. it is amazing to see God at work.

the glorious unseen was great. i think there was a true atmosphere of worship tonight. something great to be a part of. jad also did a great job at bringing the message to us. helping to understand Jesus on a deeper level.

finally, i can't thank our student leaders enough. thank you. thank you. thank you. and everyone else who helped. you guys did a great preparing, setting up and serving tonight.

Monday, August 06, 2007


just noticed a good friend of mine, jason gant, had started a blog. give it a read when you get a chance.

found this out through google's analytics which is an website tracker, basically. under traffic sources, i noticed his name blog's web address as one of the sources. great tool to find a great friend.

he moved to Kansas about 2 years ago or so to work at the church of the resurrection. keep up the good work, man.

MaximumPC Magazine -- FREE!!

"W00t!! MaximumPC is published FREE digital copies of their magazine."This is sweet!

read more | digg story

Sunday, August 05, 2007

summer sales

the wife and i hit up pacsun this weekend for some sales. great timing. and if you need some clothes - go now. guys shorts $14 right now. got 'em. shirts on sale were another 70%. girls stuff was the same including bathing suits. crazy sales, i tell ya. crazy sales.

oh, and before i forget, it's tax free week!

Saturday, August 04, 2007

taken through forza 2. cool picture. my car is in the back. his bumper and fin is in the air. a little reckless i know... umm... and no i don't drive the church bus this way.

Friday, August 03, 2007

the wait before

outpouring '07 will be here before i know it and yet the wait is driving me crazy. so much already done, so much more still to do. every time i am involved in a big event, i always wonder will it come together? it always does.

usually not without a fiasco, and this time is no different. all i will say is SHIRTS. not going to go into it, but it is stressing and a little bit funny at the same time.

student leaders are working hard on this. vids are almost ready. worship schedules is set. Blake did a great job with it. art work is all good. small group curriculum is all set and the jengas are coming in. still got to finish games and decorate.

then, just wait for the people to come in. and whoever you are, wherever you are. if you are coming we've been praying for you. every week on Wednesday, a group has been praying for you.

next week at this time, we will be preparing for the final day. can't wait.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Woman Caught Faking 'Slip and Fall' in Grocery Store

Images captured by a surveillance camera inside the store show the woman lose her footing in one of the aisles and take a nasty fall. A store worker comes to her aid and helps her up. The woman then loses her footing again and falls to the floor.

read more | digg story

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


sometimes i get very angry