So just as things were looking good, Dad gets more bad news. First and the most minor is that his blood tests on his kidneys are still a little abnormal, but not a major concern right now. It is still at a manageable level.
Second thing - about two weeks ago, his MRI came back showing a second tumor in his brain. This one is about 2cm in diameter. They will begin with some intense radiation therapy fairly soon. It has yet to be scheduled. Because this is totally unrelated to the last one, it is likely more will come about even after this one is destroyed. Hard to deal with, when he was healing so well from the first. Dad seems worried and tired. I know his med's are really wearing on him, too. He is frustrated that he continues to take an oral chemo pill and now has a second tumor come up. What's up with that? I am still trying to figure out how to feel about this. The emotions can be overwhelming at times.
Then, he just received the results from a prostate biopsy that also came back positive. Radiation treatments will begin on this area within the week or so, too. It's just crazy how much is coming at him at once.
Today, I am taking him to multiple scans and tests. These are to scan his entire body to find out if there is cancer anywhere else. We have no idea what will come from this. He should have results soon.
It's a difficult time... We just keep praying.