Tuesday, August 14, 2007

book 4 complete: a journey through hogwarts

i began reading the harry potter series this summer. after some encouragement from friends and my wife, on june 25th of 2007 i began reading through the series. this week i completed book four, the goblet of fire.

for me, i have never been a big reader. i will read if i am interested but have never been into reading novels. it has always felt like work to me. these books have set me on a journey. i can't put the book down until it is done. it draws me. captures my attention. i feel as though i know and understand every piece of architecture and design. it is relaxing and easy to read. i don't find my mind wondering. and when i do put it down, i am planning for when i will have time to read again.

now, i am off to begin working on book 5...

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